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Michael Knüppel Ármin (ius) Vámbéry (1832-1913)

332 pages, paperback

Michael Knüppel

Ármin (ius) Vámbéry (1832-1913)

Attempt a personal bibliography

3rd, improved edition

The present bibliography by the great Hungarian traveler to Central Asia, adventurer, orientalist and pioneer of Turkic Studies as an independent academic discipline, Ármin (ius) Vámbéry (1832-1913), also in this 3rd edition represents an attempt at a personal bibliography of the unusual scholar.

It is intended to provide an expanded and updated compilation of Vámbéry's writings, articles about them and reviews of his works. However, as already stated in the title, this can still be just an attempt - the works of the extraordinary and unusually productive author Vámbéry, as well as the receptions of them, are too scattered.

The present compilation includes 1332 titles by Vámbéry himself (including subsequent additions, taking into account various translations, subsequent editions and reprints), 1187 bio-bibliographical articles on Vámbéry as well as 440 reviews and advertisements of works by the traveler and scholar.

Michael Knüppel Ármin (ius) Vámbéry (1832-1913)

SKU: ISBN 978-3-95948-491-6
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